Featured Publications
The Simple Economics of an External Shock to a Bug Bounty Platform
(with Aviram Zrahia, Sarit Markovich, and Michael Riordan), Journal of Cybersecurity, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2024, available at
Empirically Evaluating the Effect of Security Precautions on Cyber Incidents (with Tyler Moore, Michael Riordan, and Noa Barnir), forthcoming, Computers & Security, 2023
The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies (with Hanna Halaburda, Guillaume Haeringer, and Joshua S. Gans), Journal of Economic Literature, 2022.
The rise and fall of cryptocurrency coins and tokens,” 2021 (with JT Hamrick, Tyler Moore, and Marie Vasek,) Decisions in Economics and Finance, Available here.
"The Economics of Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump Schemes," (with JT Hamrick, Farhang Rouhi, Arghya Mukherjee, Amir Feder, Tyler Moore, and Marie Vasek), Information Processing and Management, 2021, available at
Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin Ecosystem", (with JT Hamrick, Tyler Moore, and Tali Oberman,) Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 95, May 2018, Pages 86-96, available at
Network-Mediated Knowledge Spillovers in ICT/Information Security 2019, (with Nadav Kunivesky, and Lee Branstetter), 2020, Review of Network Economics,
Following the Code: Spillovers and Knowledge Transfer, 2018, (with Peter Naftaliev and Uriel Stettner,) Review of Network Economics.
“Ain’t it Suite? Bundling in the PC Office Software Market", 2018, (with Sarit Markovich and Michael Riordan,) Strategic Management Journal.
"Network Dynamics and Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Organizations", 2016, (with Uriel Stettner), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 48: 270-290.
“Migration to the Cloud Ecosystem: Ushering in a New Generation of Platform Competition”, 2012 (with Chaim Fershtman),Communications and Strategies.
“Direct and Indirect Knowledge Spillovers: The 'Social Network' of Open Source Software”, 2011 (with Chaim Fershtman),RAND Journal of Economics.
“A Brief Survey of the Economics of Open Source Software”, 2011, In Blume, L., and S. Durlauf eds., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Palgrave Macmillan.
“Network Security: Vulnerabilities and Disclosure Policy”, 2010 (with Jay Pil Choi and Chaim Fershtman), Journal of Industrial Economics, 58: 868-894.
“The Social Network within a Management Recruiting Firm: Network Structure and Output”, 2009 (with Charles King and Marshall Van Alstyne), Review of Network Economics, vol. 8, no. 4, Article 2.
“Open Source Software: Motivation and Restrictive Licensing”, 2007, (with Chaim Fershtman) Journal of International Economics and Economic Policy, 4: 209-225.
“An Introduction to Key Themes in the Economics of Cyber-Security” in "Encyclopedia of Cyber Warfare and CyberTerrorism," edited by Lech J. Janczewski & Andrew M. Colarik, copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc., Posted by permission of the publisher.
“The Dynamics of Competition in the Internet Search Engine Market”, 2001, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19:1103-1117.
“Adoptions and Orphans in the Early Microcomputer Market”, 1999 (with Shane Greenstein and David Salant), Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVII: 87-106.
"SSOs: Current Policy Issues and Empirical Evidence", 2015, Cambridge University Press (joint with Pierre Régibeau)
“Direct and Indirect Network Effects are Equivalent: A Comment on ‘Direct and Indirect Network Effects: Are They Equivalent?’ ”, 2012, (with Jeffrey Church), International Journal of Industrial Organization
“Indirect Network Effects and Adoption Externalities”, 2008, (with Jeffrey Church and David Krause), Review of Network Economics, 7: 325-346
“The Effect of Native Language on Internet Usage”, 2006, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 182:25-40.
“Network Effects -- Empirical Studies”, 2006, In Blume, L., and S. Durlauf eds., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition, Palgrave Macmillan.
“Platform Competition in Telecommunications”, (with Jeffrey Church), 2005, pps. 117-153, in The Handbook of Telecommunications Volume 2 edited by M. Cave, S. Majumdar, and I. Vogelsang.
“Surviving a Standards War: Lessons Learned from The Life and Death of DIVX”, 2004, pps. 1-14 in Advances in the Economics of Information Systems, Kerem Tomak editor, Idea Group Inc.
“The DVD vs. DIVX Standard War: Network Effects and Empirical Evidence of Preannouncement Effects,” 2003 (with David Dranove),Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 12: 363-386.
“Standards in Wireless Telephone Networks”, 2003 (with David Salant and Leonard Waverman), Telecommunications Policy” 27:325-332.
“Compatibility, Standardization, & Network Effects: Some Policy Implications”, 2002, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 18:80-91.
“The Dynamics of Technological Adoption in Hardware/Software Systems: The Case of Compact Disc Players”, 2000, (with Michael Kende and Rafael Rob), RAND Journal of Economics, 31: 43-61.
"Systems Competition, Vertical Merger, and Foreclosure", 2000, (with Jeffrey Church), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9:25-51.
Empirically Evaluating the Effect of Security Precautions on Cyber Incidents (with Tyler Moore, Michael Riordan, and Noa Barnir), forthcoming, Computers & Security, 2023
The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies (with Hanna Halaburda, Guillaume Haeringer, and Joshua S. Gans), Journal of Economic Literature, 2022.
"The Economics of Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump Schemes," (with JT Hamrick, Farhang Rouhi, Arghya Mukherjee, Amir Feder, Tyler Moore, and Marie Vasek), Information Processing and Management, 2021, available at
The Rise and Fall of Cryptocurrency Coins and Tokens, with JT Hamrick · Tyler Moore · Marie Vasek, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 2021. Available here.
Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin Ecosystem", (with JT Hamrick, Tyler Moore, and Tali Oberman,) Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 95, May 2018, Pages 86-96, available at
“The impact of DDoS and other security shocks on Bitcoin currency exchanges: Evidence from Mt. Gox”, (with Amir Feder, JT Hamrick, and Tyler Moore,) Journal of Cybersecurity, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2017, Pages 137–144, available at
Can We Predict the Winner in a Market with Network Effects? Competition in Cryptocurrency Market", 2016 (with Hanna Halaburda,) Games.
The uneven effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on US fatal road accidents (with Maya Fuks and Keith Gandal), Medical Research Archives, 12(2). Available at, 2024
Long-Term Care Facilities as a Risk Factor for Death Due to COVID-19: Evidence from European Countries and U.S. States (with Matan Yonas, Michal Feldman, Ady Pauzner, Avraham Tabbach), Medical Research Archives, [online] 11(3).
“Obesity and Price Sensitivity at the Supermarket”, (with Anastasia Shabelansky), 2010, Forum for Health Economics & Policy.
“Technology, Trade, and Adjustment to Immigration in Israel”, 2004, (with Gordon Hanson & Matt Slaughter), European Economic Review, 48: 403-428
“Standardization Policy and International Trade”, 2001, (with Oz Sy), Journal of International Economics, 53: 363-383.
“Quantifying the Trade Impact of Compatibility Standards and Barriers: An Industrial Organization Perspective”, 2001, in Quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade (pps. 137-153), Keith Maskus and John Wilson editors, The University of Michigan Press.
“Estimating the Effect of Tax Reform in Differentiated Product Oligopolistic Markets”, 1999, (with Chaim Fershtman and Sarit Markovich), Journal of Public Economics, 74:151-170.
“The Effect of the Arab Boycott on Israel: The Automobile Market”, 1998, (with Chaim Fershtman), the RAND Journal of Economics, 29: 193-214.
Out of Sight, Out of Sight: Patents that Have Never Been Cited (with Michal Shur-Ofry, Michael Crystal, and Royee Shilony,) Scientometrics, 2021.
“Intellectual Property and Standardization Committee Participation in the U.S. Modem Industry”, 2006, (with Nataly Gantman and David Genesove), pps. 208-230 in "Standards and Public Policy," Shane Greenstein and Victor Stango editors, Cambridge University Press.
“Software Patent Citations: A Consistent Weighted Ranking”, 2006 (with Chaim Fershtman), pps. 11-29 in "Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy," Gerhard Illing and Martin Peitz editors, MIT Press.
The High-Tech Sector in Israel (with Stefania Roccas Gandal, and Nadav Kunievsky, 2021 – in “The Israeli Economy, 1995–2017 Light and Shadow in a Market Economy”,
Cambridge University Press, edited by Avi Ben-Bassat, Reuben Gronau, and Asaf Zussman
“A Consistent Weighted Ranking Scheme with an Application to NCAA College Football Rankings”, (with Itay Fainmesser and Chaim Fershtman), 2009, Journal of Sports Economics.
“Personal Value Priorities of Economists”, 2006, (with Sonia Roccas, Lilach Sagiv, and Amy Wrzesniewski), Human Relations, 58: 1227-1252
Unsubmitted Working Papers
What Do Suicides, Fatal Heart Attacks and COVID-19 Deaths Have in Common?, with Keith Gandal, available at
Online exploration, content choice, and echo chambers: An experiment”, CEPR, Discussion paper #11909, 2017, (with Sagit Bar-Gill).